The VCE is an internationally recognized certificate authorized and supported by the Government of Victoria. Many students who have completed the VCE both onshore in Australia and offshore in the numerous schools that offer the program internationally, have gone on to study in the USA, UK and Europe. Unlike other certificates which are run by private companies or educational institutions, the VCE is regulated and administered by the State Government. It undertakes regular auditing processes which ensure the integrity of the program, it sets and corrects the final exam and it issues VCE certificates to successful students. The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA), the body created to oversee the VCE, has a special International Department that deals with offshore programs and supports the interests of VCE overseas students. VCE is more than an exam at the end of the year, School Assessed Coursework, and external exams both contribute to an end of year subject score

VCE Advantage

  1. The two-year sequence of subjects, completing Units 1,2, 3 and 4, means students build up a strong body of knowledge and skills in the subjects they are undertaking. In class work and assessment in Units 1 and 2 mirrors that of Units 3 and 4, giving students excellent preparation for the Year 12 sequence and final exams. VCE values work done in class and in the final year, assessment tasks done throughout the year, called SACs, (School Assessed Coursework) contribute to the final score. This means students can accumulate marks throughout the year by working hard and not everything is based on a one-time exam.
  2. The VCE is at the forefront of modern educational practices. An emphasis on on critical thinking and student-based learning styles in the delivery of the VCE prepares students for university education.
  3. The Study Designs, that is the curriculum outlines for each subject, are very flexible, offering the teacher a number of assessment options and the ability to tailor the course to the needs and interests of the students. While maintaining the academic rigor of the course, VCE programs can vary according to the interests and abilities of the students. What runs through all subjects however, is the development of critical thinking, problem solving and the ability to sustain an individual point of view. All these skills are not only fundamental to success in tertiary education, but they are also what employers demand. VCE prepares students for study, work and life after VCE.
  4. Direct University entry is available for any student who does VCE in any country
  5. For those students wishing to undertake University education in Australia, completing the VCE offers a smooth, direct-entry process into the tertiary sector. Students successfully completing VCE receive the ATAR score, the Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank, which as the name suggest allows for entry to Universities across Australia. Offshore students completing the VCE are on a completely equal footing to those studying in not only in Victoria.
  6. Australian government certificate is awarded on completion
    The Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) is awarded on behalf of the State Government of Victoria to students upon successful completion of Years 11 & 12 and allows entry to tertiary institutions. The VCE is one of the world’s most rigorous and valued higher secondary school certificates. View a sample certificate.
  7. The VCE curriculum and certificate is provided by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA). The VCAA’s mission is to provide high quality curricula, assessment and reporting to enable learning for life.


A VCE program includes a number of different VCE studies (or subjects), with the majority consisting of four units that can be completed over the two years. Units 1 and 2 are taken in Year 11, while Units 3 and 4 are completed in Year 12. Units 3 and 4 must be taken as a sequence in a single year.

Graduating with the VCE

To graduate with the VCE, students must satisfactorily complete a minimum of 16 units, although 20 to 24 units is normal. Regardless of how many units are completed, students must complete a minimum of three units from the English group in order to graduate. This includes:

  • English (Units 1 and 2)
  • English as an Additional Language (Units 3 and 4) (China and Vietnam)
  • English (Units 3 and 4) (Sri Lanka)
  • Students must also satisfactorily complete at least three other Unit 3 and 4 sequences, so that the total number of Unit 3 and 4 sequences is at least four (4)

University requirements

In order to apply to universities in Australia students need an ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank). When graduating with the VCE, students receive an ATAR.

The ATAR is calculated by the Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC) and is based on the subject results that students achieve in their VCE studies. Universities and TAFE colleges use this score when accepting students into their courses.

The ATAR is a ranking-not a score out of 100. It shows a student’s achievement in relation to other students. More information about the ATAR can be found here.

The VCE is a flexible certificate that allow students to meet the requirements for numerous courses at international universities. However, since there are literally thousands of possible different courses, it is important to understand the specific requirements regarding subjects and scores for each individual course and Firbank will provide all the support necessary to meet your requirements.

VCE students should spend some time becoming familiar with the various courses and requirements and can contact Firbank staff at any time for assistance. A very good example of the resources available can be seen with those provided by the UAC, the University Admissions Centre, or VTAC the Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre, both of which is manage University course admissions in Australia. Course Search is one example of how to find what courses are available and their requirements. It can be found at here.

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